Thursday, May 24, 2007

Let the festivities begin...

The morning began with a wonderful shower. I mention this because it was made a million times better than normal by the NEW shower head my friend of all friends Kate got me! It was my first birthday present, given to me yesterday so I could enjoy it this morning.

The fabulous shower was followed by a delicious pancake breakfast, and my first present of the birthday day- this gorgeous windchime! Kate made every bit of it in her classroom and I love it the most of any present I've ever been given!

Once I got to school, dressed in my springy favorite green dress, Casey came to greet me and we took a birthday picture because we both looked so cute. :)

As the kids started filing in, the funniest and sweetest gifts came along with them. A graduation owl from 1999, some already used bath gel and lotion, a box of Little Debbie snack along with some cute earrings, a ring, a bracelet, some ceramic birds perching on branches, soft sleeping socks from Bath and Body, and a shooting marble. Of course, there were lots of homemade cards, and pictures were taken of all of it. Such thoughtful little kiddos I have!

My most challenging kid of the year came into the room before anyone else, surprised me, and sang the whole birthday song to me. Then he made up a reason why he needed to make a card "for his mom." After working for a while at his desk, he mysteriously disappeared and brought this with him when they came to the class. It was signed by all my kids, some of my other science kids, the principal, the nurse, our computer tech guy, and several other teachers. Amazing!

At lunch time, I was settling in to eat my bagel and fruit, and was in the process of showing off my windchime to Erin, when Kate walked through the door! She brought Thai food for Casey, herself, and I! I wasn't expecting it at all and already felt so spoiled. It was perfect. Along with the lunch, she brought the funniest present ever! A personalized Kleenex box, with pictures of us on it and a little note! Who knew you could do such a random thing?

In the end I had a desk full of fun things, and a board full of sweet cards. The kids were so excited to give me each present, and I felt so loved and appreciated. They really do start to care about you I guess!

At the end of the day I was in the middle of a little lecture (they had been picking on the hall monitors), when Carlye's mom came in with cupcakes, a gardenia plant, and a Starbucks gift card! Could the day get any better? Another girl in the class was holding up Carlye's little sister behind us. :)

It's been a truly incredible day- one of the best ever. I was completely shocked by all the work my kids went to, and how excited they were to show me they love me. All day I was getting e-cards, texts, and facebook messages telling me happy birthday. I'm in awe at the goodness of the Father in giving me so many good gifts, the best of which are these amazing people whose lives I get to be a part of. What a good God!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

I'm gonna make it after aalllll!

Only four and a half days after today until school is out and I'm a free woman! Can't wait folks, can't wait. I'm trying to keep the kids busy with projects and fun stuff, instead of the usual worksheets and such. Not that my teaching is fun all the time, but you know, right now they require a little more entertaining. For tomorrow's act I'm considering belly dancing while juggling fire sticks and eating a pie. Stay tuned for pictures!

Seriously, I'm ready for summer! But before that, I'm ready for my birthday party, which is this Saturday! I have no idea what's been planned, other than it's at the lake, and it's joined with one for my dear friend Sandy. We share May 24th. I'm pretty darn excited because I LOVE surprises, and I'm pretty sure most of the people I love are going to be there. Also, I'm quite sure there will be lots of good food, which is always a plus. Everything I just said can basically be summed up in the following equation.

Surprises + friends + food = fun time for Erica.

On another note, it's funny the things that a teacher may collect on her desk during a morning such as this. Right now I have two laser guns (the kids are planning skits), a stack of magnets, a paring knife(for the avacado I just had as a snack), a math book, a bunch of greeting cards to send people(the question is, will I really send them?), my starbucks cup(empty), and a plethora of papers and binders and such. Oh yeah, and an easy button.

And now I must away, my students for to fetch! They will be stinking up my classroom in a few moments due to the fact that I'm getting them from PE. Windows open. Check! Air fresheners plugged in. Check, check!!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

To read a fantastic, and TRUE, story of bravery and heroism, involving both she and I, go to Casey's blog. you won't regret it! The sign is a clue about what awaits you!

Monday, May 14, 2007

This is the dress I'll be wearing in my dear friend Amy's wedding, come this August 12th! It's the wedding of the summer, don't you know! Just picture my head and some hotter shoes. I'm pretty sure that if I stand the way she is, I'll pick up the man of my dreams.

Here are a few pictures from Kati and my fun Silver Dollar City day with her family. We became friends at Camp Koinonia last fall, and have been buddies ever since. Most of the time we are kicking each other's butts while running, or having good talks. I sure do like her.

After a Panera bagel stop, on the way to SDC.
Here we gooooooo! We're on the front row.
Now, young lady! You better have a good time!
Practicing my milking skills. A girls gotta have a few- skills that is.
Plumb tuckered out after hiking the hills looking for el bano.

Here are some pictures of one of the CUTEST kids ever!
I mean, come on! How could he be any cuter? Check out more
of his dad's work by clicking on the Big Smile Photography
link. Or go to

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

What's a girl to do??

I want to do something really fun and spontanious right now, but I can't! I'm too dang busy! I keep on accidentally double booking things, forgetting wedding showers (of which there are a million right now), and generally running around like a chicken with it's head cut off. Yesterday I had school all day, professional development for two hours afterward, came back to my classroom to work, and then had a mission's board meeting until after nine. I just can't wait for May to be over!

I'm excited about summer, warmth, freedom to be spontanious instead of everything being planned out. Don't get me wrong, I like my planning, but every once in a while I want to be able to not double check my calendar two times before saying yes to someone!

Okay, enough complaining. Things are holding up pretty well, considering the business of my schedule. I had a great time with most of my mom's family last weekend. We all gathered in B-town for my grandpa's 83rd birthday!!! That's old! I have to tell you though, he is the most joy-filled, heavenly-minded man I know, and his love for his family is astounding. The best part of the weekend was Saturday night, when we had a party for gramps. As we get older, the catching up times with cousins, aunts and uncles is more and more enjoyable. I guess that just makes sense. :) We also got to take a fab family picture, which hasn't happened since I was about 9!

In school news, the kids are still hanging in there. Only 16 and a half days to go, but they keep on trying! I'm pretty impressed, because I feel VERY antsy and can't wait to be done! Right now they're starting the inventor's research projects, and studying for the big social studies states and capital's test. woo-hoo!

Gotta go pick the munchkins up now. I hope to add pictures from the birthday festivities soon.